Fees Structure

Home Fees Structure

Unless we have a fee agreement in advance, our fees are calculated on an hourly basis according to our schedule of fees. In addition, we may consider the complexity of the matter, the nature and gravity of the issues, and the urgency of the matter. However, we normally open to discuss with client regarding our fee structures and term of payment. We are focused on the results. Before you instruct us to proceed, the lawyer handling your case will first advise you on your chances of success and discuss our fee structure with you. An estimate of the total cost of the case will be provided. As far as the fee structure is concerned, you can choose from the following options.

“Defining success together”

Hourly Rate Basis

Actual time charged for services provided by our lawyers will vary depending on the skill, experience and location of the professional staff involved in handling the matter. Our standard policy is to record each single time unit on a client matter but charge only for the time when having progress on the file. Thus, not all hours spent on a matter will necessarily be charged.

Success Fee Basis

Occasionally, the client might strongly concentrate to the achievement of our provided legal services. Our firm could also generate this kind of alternative. The success fee scheme would be charged as percentile which calculated from value of achievement of works.

Fixed Fee Basis

This scheme is to charge legal fees in lump sum. To apply this scheme, in our legal service proposal will propose specific term and amount of legal fees payment.

Mixed Fee Basis

It is possible to charge you the combinations of the above options. For example, we can invoice part of the legal work products on the basis of a fixed fee and base the remainder on a flexible hourly rate or with the success fee.

Other Expenses

Our fees are for professional services only. Any disbursements and expenses. will be charged to you which includes transportation, stamp duty, government fees  photocopying, international telephone calls, fax, postage and courier charges, registration fees and filing fees.